Exit Conditions
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Choose one or more exit conditions. The conditions of exit are optional. If you do not choose one then you will have to define values of TP and SL, you can also combine the two. You can decide to start considering exit conditions only a certain number of bars after the start of the trade or only after reaching a Target.
➜ Start Exit Conditions After # Bar OR After: Start taking into account the exit conditions checked after # bars or after reaching a Target (Target 1, 2, 3 or 4)
Cloud Reintegration: Output after the price is reintegrated into the cloud.
Reverse Breakout: Output after a reverse Breakout.
Inverse Tenkan x Kijun Crossing: Exit after a reverse crossing of the Tenkan and the Kijun.
Inverse Chikou x Price Crossing: Exit after a reverse crossing of Chikou and Price.
Inverse Tenkan x Price Crossing: Exit after a reverse crossing of Tenkan and Price.
Inverse Kijun x Price Crossing: Exit after a reverse crossing of the Kijun and the Price.
Inverse Price Above/Below T-K: Output after an inverse price condition above or below the Tenkan and Kijun.
Inverse Tenkan-Kijun Rise/Fall: Exit after an inverse condition of the Tenkan and the Kijun changing state to go in the same direction simultaneously.
Inverse Early SSA x SSB Crossing: Output as soon as a reverse crossing of SSA with SSB appears and is confirmed.
SSA x SSB Crossing Reverse: Output after a classic reverse cross of SSA and SSB.